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In each option, the letters are arranged in pairs in a particular pattern. Let's analyze them: 1. KPLO - K & P, L & O 2. AZBY - A & Z, B & Y 3. UVFE - U & V, F & E 4. FUGT - F & U, G & T Options 1, 2, and 4 have letters arranged in pairs where the first letter of each pair is alphabetically before the second letter. However, option 3 (UVFE) does not follow this pattern. So, the odd one out is: UVFE
Which day is observed as National Unity Day?
Which Ukrainian city was targeted by the Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) launched by Russia on 21 November 2024?
The Indian National Congress was founded in which year?
Which country was the first to eradicate leprosy?
Consider the following statements in relation to power generation and consumption:
1. India is ranked 3rd largest consumer of energy in the world...
Which wildlife sanctuary in Uttar Pradesh is a UNESCO World Heritage Site?
What is the primary function of red blood cells?
Which state government recently launched the “CM-SATH Scheme” to provide financial support to deserving students?
Recently, where was the first Joint Commanders’ Conference (JCC) held?
Tato-I Hydro Electric Project is located in which state?