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The logic followed here is: In all the pairs, the 1st word represents a country and the 2nd word represents the official currency of that country. Austria : Euro = The Euro is the official currency of Austria. China : Yuan = The Yuan is the official currency of China. Russia : Ruble = The Ruble is the official currency of Russia. Iran : Dinar = The Rial is the official currency of Iran and the Dinar is the official currency of Kuwait. Thus, ‘Iran : Dinar’ is the odd one out. Hence, the correct answer is (D).
The average of 10 numbers is 21.6. The average of the first four numbers is 17.5, and the average of the last three numbers is 24. The fifth number is 6...
Out of 4 numbers, the average of first 3 is 19 and last 3 is 20. If the last number is 21. Find the first number?
5 positive numbers are written on a piece of paper. Sum of first 3 numbers is 55 and ratio of the 4th and the 5th number is 2:3. If difference between t...
Average age of company A is 25 years and average age of both companies A and B is 17 years. If the ratio of number of employees in company A and B is 3:...
Each question contains a statement followed by Quantity I and II. Read the information clearly and answer your questions accordingly.
The average of four numbers is 90. Two of the numbers are equal (not least), and 40 more than the least number. If the 4th number is five times the leas...
A number is such that when it is multiplied by 5, it gives another number which is as much above from 210 as the original number (itself) is below 210. ...
In a classroom, the combined average age of all students and their teacher is 17 years. The average age of the boys in the class is 13 years. If the tea...
The average of four numbers is 200. Two of the numbers are equal (not least), and 70 more than the least number. If the 4th number is four times the lea...
In a Math exam, the average score of 50 students is 68. The ratio of boys to girls in the class is 3:2. If the average score of the boys is 70, what is ...