The logic followed here is: In all the pairs, the 1st word represents the name of study and the 2nd word represents the field of study for the first word. Cytology : Cell = The study of cell is called cytology. Agrostology : Grass = The study of grasses is called agrostology. Entomology : Fishes = Entomology is the study of insects. The study of fishes is called Ichthyology. Hematology : Blood = The study of blood is called Hematology. Thus, ‘Entomology : Fishes’ is the odd one out. Hence, the correct answer is (C).
Chemical which is used for the control of high turbidity in fish ponds without low of alkalinity:
The columnaris disease in fishes is caused by _____
Among the mentioned Mahseers, which one is referred to as the "Deccan Mahseer"?
Which type of catfish has adapted to living in caves underground, contrasting with the general habitat preference of catfish?
What term is used to describe an immature fish from the time they hatch until they become fingerlings?
is a surface feeder which consumes detritus and zooplanktons
What is India’s rank in Fish production and aquaculture production?
The Interest Subvention Scheme on KCC given to Crop Loan Farmers has been extended by the GoI to the KCC provided to Farmers of Animal Husbandry and Fis...
Estuarian fish culture is defined as a culture of fish in
The National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources (NBFGR) is located in which Indian city?