
    Three of the four words are alike in a certain way and

    one is different. Pick the odd one out.
    A JMPU Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B QTWZ Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C BIKN Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D FJQV Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    The logic followed here is that the absolute difference between the consecutive letters of the given word is a prime number. JMPU = M(13) - J(10) = 3, P(16) - M(13) = 3, U(21) - P(16) = 5 QTWZ: T(20) - Q(17) = 3, W(23) - T(20) = 3, Z(26) - W(23) = 3 BIKN = I(9) - B(2) = 7, K(11) - I(9) = 2, N(14) - K(11) = 3 FJQV = J(10) - F(6) = 4, Q(17) - J(10) = 7, V(22) - Q(17) = 5

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