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The pattern followed here is: The number of sides in the shape inside the figure are increasing order i.e. in the 1st figure there is a triangle, in the 2nd figure there is a Rectangle, in the 3rd figure there will be a Pentagon and so on till the last figure. The letter inside the 2nd figure is the 3rd preceding letter of letter inside the 1st figure. The letter inside the 3rd figure is the 4 th preceding letter of the letter inside the 2nd figure. The letter inside the 4 th figure is the 5 th preceding letter of the letter inside the 3rd figure. Thus, the letter inside the 5 th figure is the 6 th preceding letter of the letter inside the 4 th figure, as per the English alphabetical series.
Which is not true for Mycorrhizae Fungi?
Mulches generally minimize
Which of the following plants is an example of a biennial?
Durgapura Kesar is an important cultivator of:
Stevenson screen is used along with an instrument for obtaining an accurate result. Which instrument?
The level of toxicity of Dhatura plant on the basis of increasing level is :
What is the characteristic symptom of Fusarium wilt in tomatoes?
Arka Jyoti is variety of:
What is conservation agriculture?
At what Brix reading on a refractometer is sugarcane considered mature?