Under section 15 of The Limitation Act, 1963, exclusion of time is not applicable to:-
What does Consensus ad idem mean?
Under the Right to Information Act, which of the following types of information is exempted from disclosure?
Section 53-A of the Evidence Act as introduced by the Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2013 makes:
Where any person is a financial creditor as well as an operational creditor such person shall_______________________
How much time was taken by the Constituent Assembly of India to complete the lengthiest Constitution of the world i.e.
The Constitution of India?
Aakash instigates Brijesh to murder Chandra. Brijesh refuses to do so. What is Aakash guilty of?
Section 13 of Limitation Act 1963 apply in case of
Which of the following statement is correct?
The question is, whether A committed a crime at Calcutta on a certain day.
The fact that, on that day, A was at Lahore is relevant.