The correct answer is B
Which of the following is the outer layer of the Earth that is made of plates which fit together like a jigsaw puzzle?
In which city is the Salar Jung Museum art museum located?
The administrative reforms commission was initially chaired by _____________.
There are _________ Special Economic Zones in the state of Uttar Pradesh.
Which river has tributaries by the name of Dri, Mathun, Talon, Eme, Ahi, Emra and Awa?
What system does the Reserve Bank of India adhere to for the issuance of currency?
What is the amount of insurance cover available for accidental death under the PradhanMantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY)?
In which season is Sarhul celebrated in Jharkhand?
Who is the author of the novel ‘Before We Visit the Goddess’?
Pointing towards a girl, Chetan said, “she is the daughter of the only child of my grandmother.” How is Chetan related to that girl?