The correct answer is C
The corporate insolvency resolution process shall be completed _______________ from the date of admission of the application to initiate such process
Which of the following is not a principle of Natural Justice?
‘A’ marries ‘B’, the widow of his elder brother. The marriage is:
Amit with a guilty intention, abets a child sonu to commit murder of balbir. Which of the following is true in above case?
In a suit for specific performance of contract, Compensation______
Which of the following amounts to breach of trust?
As per the Constitution of India what is the essence of the Doctrine of Colourable Legislation?
Which chapter of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 deals with Leases of Immovable Property?
Impleading an unncessary party to a suit is___
Which of the following writ order can be issued in case of illegal detention?