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2, 13, 29, 55, 96, 157, 243, ? First difference between 2 and 13 is 11, 13 and 29 is 16... and So on 157 and 243 is 86. Now, the difference between the differences is 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 respectively. So, the final answer is 359.
An enzyme formed within the cell and not excreted into the medium (intra cellular) is called:
Late blight of potato is caused by:
For pigeonpea hybrid seed production, what is the recommended isolation distance from other pigeonpea varieties?
Kinnow mandarin is a cross between King and
Jute is extracted from the bark of the white jute plant (Corchorus capsularis). Family of Jute is _________________.
Perennial legume fodder is
What is a key factor that influences the rate of moisture loss from the soil through the process of evaporation?
Soil consists of four major components. Which of the following is NOT a component of soil?
The attack of which insect pest in grapes causes skeletonization of leaves, ragged edges, defoliation, stunted growth, and reduced fruit production?
If CLR of milk is 28, then the specific gravity of milk will be-