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U%P#S*R, If we decode this, U % P, U is wife of P . P # S, P is brother of S. S * R, S is son of R . As P is brother of S and S is son of R. So it is definite that P is also a son of R.
Ratio of present ages of A and B is 7:5, respectively. C who is 3 years older than A will become 36 years older after 12 years. Find the present age of B.
A is five times as old as B. C was twice-as old as A six years ago. In six years' time, A will be 31. Find the sum of the present ages of B and C.
Sum of the present ages of A, B, C and D is 56 years. After 3 years ratio of their ages is 7:6:5:2. What is C’s present age?
A is 4 years older than B while C is 5 years younger than B. The ratio of age of A, 7 years hence and age of B, 6 years ago is 3:2. What was age of C, 1...
The present age of Neha's father is four years more than six times Neha's present age. If Neha's mother is eight years younger than her father and the r...
The ratio of the present ages of P and Q is 6:5 respectively. If the age of P 12 years hence from now will be 125% more than the age of Q 4 years ago fr...
The ages of A, B and C together are 63 years. B is thrice as old as A and C is 8 years older than A. What is the difference between ages of B and C?
The current ages of Ashwin and Bhavin are in a 5:4 ratio. Ashwin's current age is 25% greater than Bhavin's. If the current average age of Ashwin, Bhavi...
Currently, the average age of Sam, Sarah, and Seth is 32 years, whereas the average age of Sam and Sarah is 36 years. Calculate the age of Sarah after e...
The ratio of age of ‘B’ after 6 years from now and age of ‘C’ 4 years ago from now is 7:4, respectively. The present age of ‘C’ is 40% of th...