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30 is the wrong number of the given series, as the terms of the series are increasing 2.5 times from right to left.
In this disease, the leaves may show a mottled or stippled pattern, with a combination of yellow and green areas.The veins of the leaves turn yellow, gi...
Which disease in cotton exhibits bronzing of veins, interveinal chlorosis, and yellowing of leaves, with characteristic drying of leaf margins and inter...
The relationship between two organisms, where both of them benefit from each other is called:
What method involves the use of clear polythene film over moist soil during sunny summer days to increase soil temperature and inactivate many soil-born...
The fungal disease that affects the seedling emergence from the soil during pre-emergence and post-emergence phases is?
Mangla, Sumangla , Sreemangla are the popular varieties of which of the following crops?
Application of strobilurins is effective in management of
Presence of pin head like orange coloured dots in the nodal region of sugarcane is an important symptom of
Disease that occurs irregularly and in relatively few instances, and may be endemic in one region and epidemic in another?
Which disease of brinjal is caused by a Phytoplasma and is characterized by the reduction in leaf size, shortened petioles, and stunted, bushy appearanc...