Continue with your mobile number
The correct answer is C
Beside furnishing their identity cards (1)/ passengers will mandatorily(2)/ have to provide his mobile numbers(3)/ to falecitate cross-verification(4)/ ...
Spot the grammatical errors in the given sentence. Mark the part with error as your answer. If there is no error, mark "No error" as the answer. (Ignor...
1. Enhanced weathering essentially speeds up natural processes of erosion and chemical reactions using newly introduced minerals.
2. During the p...
At the turn in the millennium, (A)/when Uttarakhand were (B)/ carved out of Uttar Pradesh , (C)/important centres of Hindu pilgrimage fall (D)/into the...
In each question below, a sentence is given with a part of it printed in bold type. That part may contain a grammatical error. Each sentence is followed...
The surrealist movement seek to release the creative potential of the unconscious mind.
Before we can enjoy (A) / this world, we have to (B) / learn the technique of enjoyment. (C) / No error(D)
Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. Mark the part with...
Identify the segment that contains a grammatical error. If there is no error, select 'No error'.
It is custom for the Ministry of external affair...
Yesterday, the Principal said that (A)/every students have to submit (B)/ articles for /(C) the school magazine. (D)