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The correct answer is D
In a certain code language. ‘LANGUAGE’ is written as ‘HWJCQWCA' How will 'CODE' be written as in the same coding language?
Select the option that represents the letters which, when sequentially placed from left to right in the blanks below, will complete the letter series.
Which among the following is true for the given numbers?
On a particular day, Pavan and Sreyash decide to go on a weekend trip to place B from Place A. Pavan leaves for place B at 11:00 a.m. at a speed of 72 ...
Select the option figure in which he given figure is embedded (rotation is NOT allowed).
Select the combination of letters that when sequentially placed in the blanks of the given series will make it logically complete.
Three of the following four letter-clusters are alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick the odd one out.
Seven teachers A, B, C, D, E, Y and Z are sitting in a straight row, facing north. Only A sits between E and D. Only B sits between Z and Y. Only C sits...
If 1st January 1997 was a Wednesday, what was the day of the week on 24th June 1997?
R ead the given question and decide which of the following options is required to answer the question.
Piyush bou...