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The Pattern is follows- to reverse the place value of word. Â BASED- 252682223 WORDS- 4129238 Â Similarly, Â USING- 68181320
Statements:Some students are Rich.
     No Rich is a teacher.
Conclusions:I. Some teacher are not Rich.
  II. Some Rich...
Each girl is boy.
Only a few girls are men.
Few girls are not women.
1. All boys can be wom...
Statements:a. No copy is a pen.
b. Some pens are books
Conclusions:I. Some books are not copies
II. Some copies are not books.
Some hellos are byes.
Some byes are hi.
All hi are long.
All long are far.
Read the given statements and conclusion carefully. Assuming the information given in the statement is true, even if it appears to be at variance with ...
Some mats are bedsheets.
All bedsheets are chairs.
Some chairs are desks.
Conclusions:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
No television is a magazine.
Some magazines are radios.
Some radios are newspapers.
All newspapers are journal...
Some boat is ship.
Only a few ships are rocket.
Only helicopters are rocket.
Only airplane is boat.     Â...
Only a few Banana is Guava.
Some Guava is Leopard.                           Â
Some Leop...
Statements: No swan is a penguin.
                         Some penguins are kingfisher.
Conclusions: I. Some s...