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(11, 15, 23) = 11 + 4 = 15, 15 + 8 = 23. (43, 47, 55) = 43 + 4 = 47, 47 + 8 = 55 ( 13, 17, 29 ) = 13 + 4 = 17, 17 + 12 = 29 (31, 35, 43) = 31 + 4 = 35, 35 + 8 = 43
The __________ wore a gold armor and fought bravely.
A) Certain B) Velocity C) Slowness D) Settled
In the following question select the answer pair that expresses a relationship most similar to that expressed in the capitalised pair.
You have sufficient time to complete the question paper.
In the following questions four words are given in each question, out of which only one word is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word.
A high area of rock with a steep side
The team made a valiant effort to win the match despite their injuries.
The highest point