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The correct answer is Figure number 1. Logic: The figure rotates in clock-wise direction and black dot present in the eye shifts in every step.
Which of the following shall not be included in the liquidation estate assets?
A and B both had retal shop business of mercantile goods on the opposite sides of the road. A had a great sale of same quality of goods during festival ...
Adultery under IPC is
An appeal against the order of National Commission shall lie to Supreme Court within?
Under which section it is provided that in all civil proceedings the husband or wife of any party to the suit shall be a competent witness?
What are the essential elements that constitute extortion?
A proxy ___________ the right to speak at such meeting and shall not be entitled to vote except on a poll
Under the SARFAESI Act, which forum primarily handles matters related to enforcement of security interest?
When was the National Scheduled Tribes Commission set up?
Appeal to SAT under SEBI Act lies against an order of