A + 9 = J, J + 9 = R, R + 9 = Y C + 8 = L, L + 8 = T, T + 8 = A E + 7 = N, N + 7 = V, V + 7 = C
Which of the following is a component of the RAMP Scheme?
While accounting for ‘interest on capital’ provided by a firm, it will be recognized as which of the following?
What does “D” in NDTL stands for?
Which among the following is not made only to existing shareholders?
According to IND AS 115, when can revenue be recognized?
A company did sales of Rs.1 lakh during the year. It had total purchases of Rs.75000 of which Rs.2000 worth was returned. The company paid Rs.2000 for c...
When goods are packed and transported with insurance, the supply of goods, packing materials, transport and insurance as per provisions of CGST Act, 20...
In the context of RBI’s guidelines on foreign exchange risk management, what is the role of an Authorized Dealer (AD) in monitoring users’ positions...
A portfolio to the right of the market portfolio on the Capital Market Line is:
S, an entity had 500 units of product X at 30 June 2015. The product had been purchased at a cost of $18 per unit and normally sells for $24 per unit. R...