The correct answer is B
Which of the following statements is/are correct?
a.      Molds are fairly resistant to dry heat
b.     Cocci usually are ...
The method in which the cells are frozen dehydrated is called
(I) Bacteria
(a) 0.9- 0.95
(ii) Yeast
(b) Staphylococcus
(iii) molds
(C ) Entamoeba
(iv) Protozoa
(d) 0.7-0.8
In microwave oven microwaves are emitted by
Sugar when heated beyond their melting point decompose and form a brown mass known as …….       Â
...Which food preservative inhibit fungal growth and non-enzymatic browning in fruit juice
Lactose is
a.      Monosaccharide
b.     Disaccharide
c.      milk sugar
d.     reducing suga...
Cobalamin is the scientific name of which vitamin?
a.   Vitamin B
b.   Vitamin C
c.   Vitamin B12
d. Â...
_________is a physical or chemical method of food preservation where all microorganisms present in food are destroyed.
Arrange the following according to their rate of initial growth