In the other pairs, the first word is a category or type of the second word: Tomato is a type of fruit. Cricket is a type of sport. Adidas is a brand (type) of products. However, "nut" and "almond" are both types or categories rather than one being a subset of the other.
Which of the following is known as fertilizer tree?
When was the first acceptance of GM Bt cotton with the Cry-1Ac gene granted in the USA?
How many pollen grains are developed from a pollen mother cell?
Onion production is related to
For the farmers, ………………………………. Soil structure is favourable for plant growth.
...White leghorn is a poultry breed famous for
The stage of mitosis during which the chromosomes line up along the equator of the cell is called:
Biting and Chewing type of mouth parts are present in:
Lactose found in milk is a disaccharide composed of:
The bacteria responsible for oxidizing Fe2+ - Fe3+ (ferrous to ferric form) under acidic environment is_?