
    Rubi and Juhi are sisters. Krishna is Johi's father's

    father. Reshms in the mother of Arvind. Arvind is the father of Rohit, who is the only brother of Rubi. How is Krishna related to Rohit?
    A Mother's brother Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Father's father Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Father Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Mother's father Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Based on the information provided: • Rubi and Juhi are sisters. • Arvind is the father of Rohit, who is Rubi's only brother. Given that Krishna is Juhi's father's father, he is Juhi's grandfather. Since Rohit is Rubi's brother, Krishna is also Rohit's grandfather. So, the correct answer is: 2. Father's father.

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