March has 31 days, April has 30 days, and May has 31 days. Total days from March 15 to May 31: = 16 days (March) + 30 days (April) + 31 days (May) = 77 days Now, since 77 is divisible by 7 (7 days in a week), the day of the week will remain the same. Shamita's birthday was on a Sunday. Adding 77 days (which is a multiple of 7) to a Sunday will still be a Sunday. So, Shamita's husband's birthday, on May 31, 2020, would also fall on a Sunday. Thus, the correct answer is option 2. Sunday.
(1680.23 ÷ 27.98) + (600.32 ÷ 23.9) + 1384.11 = ?
20.06% of 359.89 - 15.95 X ? + 18.07 X 14.95 = 48.87 X 6.02
1219.98 ÷ 30.48 × 15.12 = ? × 2.16
20.11% of 119.99 + √80.97 ÷ 3.02 = ?
? + 39.99 X 3.01 = √624.99 X 10.01% of 49.99
?% of 549.83 – 18.05 × 31.96 = 44.94% of 479.84 – 13.98 × 33.13
15.232 + 19.98% of 539.99 = ? × 8.99
(32.15)2 – (255.89)(1/2) – (10648.08)(1/3) = ?
22.11 × 4.98 + 23.03 × 5.12 – 32.95 + 96.9 × 5.02 =?
24.89% of 720.01 - 4.09 × ? = (5.89)2