March has 31 days, April has 30 days, and May has 31 days. Total days from March 15 to May 31: = 16 days (March) + 30 days (April) + 31 days (May) = 77 days Now, since 77 is divisible by 7 (7 days in a week), the day of the week will remain the same. Shamita's birthday was on a Sunday. Adding 77 days (which is a multiple of 7) to a Sunday will still be a Sunday. So, Shamita's husband's birthday, on May 31, 2020, would also fall on a Sunday. Thus, the correct answer is option 2. Sunday.
The first step of plant breeding is
An example of C4 crop is
Which of the following loan type is disbursed to help farmers, pay wages?
The cultivation of wheat and barley started in _____ B.C.
A collection of plasmid clone containing recombinant DNA molecules so that the sum total of DNA insert represent the entire genome of the concerned org...
Which of the following is not a stem modification?
The seedling of which plants are thorny during juvenile phase
A. Apple
B. Pear
C. Citrus
D. Guava
E. Mango
The ooze test is done for detecting which pathogen?
Which one of the following statements is INCORRECT for sprouted pulses?
A standard soil texture triangle represents______ soil textural classes reflecting specific percentages of sand, silt, or clay.