We can break down the pattern by looking at each position in the clusters separately. 1. First position: • K (11th letter) to N (14th letter) = +3 • N to Q (17th letter) = +3 • Q to T (20th letter) = +3 • T to W (23rd letter) = +3 • Following this pattern, W (23) + 3 = Z (26th letter) 2. Second position: • W (23rd letter) to S (19th letter) = -4 • S to O (15th letter) = -4 • O to K (11th letter) = -4 • K to G (7th letter) = -4 • Following this pattern, G (7) - 4 = C (3rd letter) 3. Third position: • The third position seems to alternate in a specific manner, but let's identify the exact pattern: • X (24th letter) to A (1st letter) = -23 (looping around) • A to D (4th letter) = +3 • D to G (7th letter) = +3 • G to J (10th letter) = +3 • Following this pattern, J (10) + 3 = M (13th letter) So, the pattern for each position in the letter clusters follows a specific arithmetic sequence. Thus, the next cluster in the series should be ZCM .
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