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The correct answer is A
Four of the following five are equal in a certain way and form a group.
Which one is not related to that group?
C, Q, S, E, I
In this question, there are two statements showing the relationship between the letters and the three conclusions related to them are i, ii and iii. Ass...
In the following question, a group of letters is given. The letters of each group are related with the letters of the same group by some Logic/Rule/Rela...
By interchanging the given two signs which of the following equation will be correct?
× and ÷
I. 5 + 6 × 2 – 4 ÷ 1 = 10
Which day falls on 04th March of a year? If 16th December of the previous year was a Monday.
Select the Venn diagram that best represents the relationship between the following classes.
Snakes, Crocodiles, Reptiles
Select the option figure that can replace the question mark (?) in the given figure to complete the pattern.
Who is sitting third to the right of Meera?
Which letter-cluster will replace the question mark (?) to complete the given series?
Which figure should replace the question mark (?) in the following series to continue the pattern?