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The correct answer is A
Which ethical theory focuses on the consequences of actions to determine their morality?
Which of the following represents importance of consumer protection from business point of view?
The process of evaluating the project ideas with a view to select the best and promising idea after eliminating the unprofitable ideas is called __ of t...
Long-term goals are likely to be considered as _______.
Planning is required at all levels of management as well as in all departments of the organisation. It is not an exclusive function of top management n...
Under which section of the RTI, 2005 provision relating to exemption from disclosure of information is provided?
Which one of the following factors is not relevant for judging the adequacy of market?
As per section 13 of the RTI Act, 2005, where the Information Commissioner is appointed as the Chief Information Commissioner, his term of office shall...
Which of the following does not belongs to traditional control techniques?
Which of the following risks is borne by the entrepreneur: