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The correct answer is D
Full form of CERSAI is:
How many minimum members would be there in Social Stock Exchange Governing Council as per the recent framework provided by SEBI?
Which of the following lays out the standard of ethical behaviour expected from employees?
A. Code of ethics
B. Code of c...
Which insurance firm recently launched Emerging Opportunity Fund, which will invest in mid-cap companies and emerging market leaders with the potential ...
In the Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme 2022-23 (Series III), RBI has decided to allow discount of Rs _____ per gram from the issue price to those investors w...
Capital Gearing is a fraction of
Marginal Standing Facility is ___________________?
A bond which is issued to finance projects that generate environmental benefits and reduce carbon intensity are known as __________ ?
The discount rate that makes the present value of expected cash flows from the project equal to the initial cost of the project is called:
Observing changes in the financial variables across the years is ________