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The correct answer is D
In a certain code language, ‘201511920’ is related to 'TOAST' in the same way ‘321181851420’ is related to which of the following words?
...Among V, W, X, Y and Z, each of them has different height. X’s height is more than W. Y’s height is more than V and less than Z. W is not the shorte...
Only Apple are Banana.
Some Apples are Pears.
Only a few Papaya is Pear.
I. At least Some Pa...
What is Android?
Which of the following code can be understood by Computers?
किसी कोड भाष में यदि PUZZLE शब्द का कोड RXEGWR है , तो OUTPUT का कोड क्या ...
If all the letters of the word ' HAMPERS' are arranged in alphabetical order from left to right then how many letters will retain their original posit...
Select the option that is related to the third number in the same way as the second number is related to the first number:
21: 63 :: 36:?
Statement: The Food and Agriculture Organization said that adult groups and swarms of desert locusts are maturing throughout Rajasthan and that subs...
Statements: S ≤ T < I = M > R, A < Z ≥ O > I ≥ D
I. S = D
II. R ≤ D
III. Z > T