The correct answer is C
What will be the percentage of porosity of a soil which has 1.5g/cm³ bulk density and 2.65 g/cm³ particle density?
Which organization raises funds and disburses loans to NDDB/NCDC under the Dairy Processing & Infrastructure Development Fund (DIDF)?
DNA exists as a double helix as a result of hydrogen bonding between:Â
Which of the following can be used as foliar spray?
Which of the following is disease causing pathogen in mango group?
Surface ropiness in milk is caused by:
The deficiency in plants can be visually identified at the early vegetative stage as an abnormally reddish purple color along the edge of the lower plan...
Which additional tree is planted in the Quincunx System of Planting?
Based on morphology, weeds are NOT classified as ________.
Bitter pit is the physiological breakdown of cells under the skin, causing slight depressions generally concentrated at the calyx end of the fruit. Bitt...