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The correct answer is C
Which of the following is not insured by the deposit insurance and credit guarantee corporation (DICGC)?
The inaugural officeholder of the chairperson of State Bank of India was?
__________ include fees received for credit-related or lending related services like credit processing fees, late payment or default charges and early r...
_______ has got approval for the complete acquisition of Ohm Global Mobility Private (OHM) from OHM International Mobility for a nominal consideration...
Asian Development Bank (ADB) is a regional development bank established in which year?
Who became the first Indian American to hold the position of President of the World Bank?
The main objective of _______ is to develop a strong global connect and focus on the needs of the Indian economy as well as to serve as an international...
Which term best describes the penalty for early withdrawal from a fixed deposit?
Who was the first president of Asian Development Bank (ADB)?
Which bank became the first public sector bank to extend the facility of execution of on-line locker agreement through Digital Document Execution (DDE) ...