
    Three statements numbered I, II and III are given. Considering all the things given in the statements to be true, determine the cause and effect relationship between these statements and decide which statement(s) is/are the cause and which statement(s) is/are the effect. 

    Statement: I. Job stress should top the list of

    stressors compared to other factors such as family responsibilities and personal health concerns. II. Excessive amount of work and unrealistic deadlines make people more anxious and stressed. III. Companies are providing fair salary as per the work profile.
    A No cause and effect relationship exists between the statements. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Statement I is the cause and Statement I is its effect. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Statements I and III are the causes and statement II is the effect. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    The correct answer is B

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