
    Ten people are sitting in two parallel rows containing 5 people each, in such a way that there is equal distance between adjacent persons.

    In Row 1 – A, B, C, D and E are seated and all of them are facing the north.

    In Row 2 – P, Q, R, S and T are seated and all of them are facing the south.

    Thus, each person is facing another person from the other row.

    Neither A nor D is sitting at any of the extreme ends of the row. A is sitting to the immediate right of D. P is facing the person who is sitting second to the right of D.

    Only two people are sitting between P and Q. C is sitting to the immediate right of E. B is facing the person who is sitting second to the right of R. S is sitting at one of the positions to the right of T.

    Who is facing T?

    A E Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B C Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C A Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D B Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    The correct answer is B

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