The correct answer is C
Which thoracic segment of a cockroach gives rise to the first pair of wings, known as tegmina?
Which company aims to provide more income to farmers and less price to retailers by creating an efficient supply chain?
The pH of a neutral solution is —
Botanical name of oats is
What characterizes facultative parasites, and how do they differ from obligate parasites?
Because chickpeas are high in dietary fiber, what disease are they considered beneficial for?
Gestation period of Sheep
Which scheme launched by GOI to create gainful self-employment opportunities to unemployed agricultural graduates, agricultural diploma holders, interme...
The daughter cell produced by meiosis are different from mother cess in?
The terminal cell of the 2- celled proembryo divides by longitudinal wall and the basal cell and terminal cell both contribute to the development of emb...