Ear, Leg, Kidney, and Hand are paired organs or parts of the body (e.g., two ears, two legs, two kidneys, and two hands). Heart is a single organ and does not come in pairs, making it the odd one out.
Which fruit is also known as "Poor man orange" ?
Turmeric is generally propagated by
Which of the following is an antifungal and an antibiotic?
Pusa Majestic is a variety of ________
Disease free plants in micro propagation can be obtained through _________.
The edible part of the member of Lilliaceae family i.e. Asparagus officinalis is
Which post-harvest technology is employed to extend the shelf life of fruits and vegetables by retarding the ripening process?
Plants which flower only once in their life is:
Cutting of pseudostem after harvesting to facilitate mobilization of nutrients from mother plant to developing ratoon plant in banana is known as _____.
Mechanical analysis of soil texture is based on :