If the slots for evening and morning functions are interchanged and keeping the order of the schedule constant, the week now starts from Sunday and goes up to Friday, according to the new arrangement, which function will be held in the morning slot of Thursday?
Statements: M = N ≤ P = C > G, D ≥ M > T = F
I. D ≥ N
II. N > F
III. F < P
Statement: A ≥ B ≥ C = D > E, F > G = H ≤ C
Conclusion: I. C ≥ F II. F > D
...Statements : Z < S < W < D; E ≤ C ≤ Y < D; U < T < S ≤ V
Conclusions :
I. V > Z
II. C < U
III. V > E
In the question, assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the conclusion (s) among given three conclusions is/are definitely true and th...
In the question, assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the conclusion (s) among given two conclusions is/are definitely true and then...
B < C < J ≤ H; W > F = T > J; P ≤ A < W
I. C < A
II. P > B
Statements: O > Q < R > P = U ≥ S > T ≥ N
I: S < R
II: U > N
In the question, assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the conclusion (s) among given two conclusions is /are definitely true and the...
Statement: L > J ≥ U ≥ F; P < S < L
Conclusion: I. S < F II. P < U
Which among the following symbols should replace the question mark [?] (in the same order from left to right) in the given expression in order to make b...