firstly Ashish is studying chemistry and sitting at the third position to the left of ruby so fix one position for Ruby and place Ashish according to that and kartik is sitting on the same side of Ashish. Rocky is the neighbour of Ashish and Nitish is sitting between Ruby and Saina and study Economics so according to that the arrangement will be: Saina study Maths and sits second to the left of Rocky who study computer science. The neighbour of Kartik study English and Ashish already study chemistry so the person sitting to the immediate right of Kartik will be studying English. Harsh study Hindi and there is only one position vacant which is to the immediate right of Saina so Harsh will be sitting there and the remaining subject is physics so Kartik will be studying that subject and the person remaining is Aman so he will be siting with Ruby and will study English. Here CS=computer science.
‘हँसना’ कैसी क्रिया है?
निम्नलिखित शब्दों में 'होशियार' के तीन पर्यायवाची वि...
अवांछित संवाद अर्थ के लिये उपयुक्त मुहावरा हैः-
इनमें से 'खेलना' शब्द से बना विशेषण है-
निम्नलिखित वाक्यों में शुद्ध वाक्य है
‘ एक प्रतिभा सम्पन्न छात्र ’ का विशेषण है __________
इनमें से 'महाप्राण' व्यञ्जन नहीं है :
जिस पुस्तक में आठ अद्याय हो
निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा वाक्य शुद्ध है ?
आदिकाल के रासो साहित्य में किसकी प्रधानता थी ?