How many person(s) live(s) between Esha and Gini?
Charul does not live on 6 th floor. Esha lives on 3 rd floor with his wife only. Bhura with his family lives exactly below one of the couples but above the two people who live alone. There is only one floor between the two people who live alone. There are total 4 persons in Bhura’s family including him. Bhura with his family lives exactly below one of the couples but above the two people who live alone. There is only one floor between the two people who live alone. There are total 4 persons in Bhura’s family including him. Two cases arise here: There are three floors between Charul and Gini Charul cannot sit on sixth floor and Esha is already on third floor so Gini must be living on first floor and Charul on fifth floor. Hence, Case 1 fails here, Gini’s family has 1 more person than Anmol’s family. Therefore, Gini’s family must be having 3 persons and hence, Anmol has total 2 persons in his family. Only left person, Charul must be having 6 persons.
Rashmi and Rahul’s father ………. not well.
When I …….. the premises, she will follow me.
Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
Led by the nose
Piping Hot
Hardly did we begin our journey ……. it started to rain.
Have a screw loose
Two …………………………………. are visiting the organisation today.
Fill in the blanks with correct words from the options.
When I rang the bell, he came ___________ __________.
A) Maxim
B) Irreverence
C) Knell
D) Derision