Box T is placed in even numbered position. Four boxes are placed between Box X and Box T. Box T is placed above Box X. Only two boxes are placed between the Box Z and Box V in which Box V is placed below Box Z. Box Z is placed in odd numbered position. Box Z is not placed above Box T. From above statements, Case 1: If Box T is placed at 8 th position and then Box X is placed at 3 rd position. Box Z is placed at 7 th position and Box V is placed at 4 th position. Case 1-S: If Box T is placed at 8 th position and then Box X is placed at 3 rd position. Box Z is placed at 5 th position and Box V is placed at 2 nd position. Case 2: If Box T is placed at 6 th position and then Box X is placed at 1 st position. Box Z is placed at 5 th position and Box V is placed at 2 nd position. Based on the above information, we get the initial table as follows Only one box is placed between the Box Y and Box W in which Box W is placed below Box Y. Box X is not placed above Box S. From above statements, Case 1 &2: Based on the above condition, there is no place for Box Y and Box W at s gap of 1 position. Hence, this case becomes invalid and it can be eliminated. Case 1-S: Based on the above condition, Box Y is placed at 6 th position and Box W is 4 th position. Given, Box X is not placed above Box S. Therefore, Box S is placed at 7 th position and Box U is placed at 1 st position. Thus we get the completed table,
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A @ B means ‘A is the husband of B’
A & B means ‘A is the mother of B’
A # B means ‘A is the daughter of B’
If Q ...
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13, 27, 56, 115, 234, ?
Select the option that when sequentially placed in the blanks of the given series will complete the series.
C-3, E - 5, G - 7, J - 9, ____, ___...
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