The one who was born in 1967 likes Red colour and lives on third floor. There are two persons live between the one who was born in 1967 and one who was born in 1953. The one who born in 1953 like Black color. So, the one who has born in the year 1953 lives on 6th floor and he like black color. Deepa lives on top floor and likes Pink colour The one who likes White colour live on ground floor but he is not the youngest person. The ages of Babli and Amit are perfect cube. The two perfect cube ages:- 2017 – 1953 = 64 = 4 3 2017 – 1990 = 27 = 3 3 Therefore, Babli and Amit have born in the year 1953 and 1990 not necessarily in same order. Either Babli or Amit lives on 6 th floor. Chand was born in a year which is an even number. The one who likes Yellow color is younger than Chand. Hence, Chand was not born in the year 2002. Chand was born in one of the following year - , 1970, 1982, 1990. The difference between age of Babli and Gaurav is perfect cube Let suppose Babli was born in the year 1953, then his age is 64 years. Now, Age of different people is: 2017 – 1967 = 50 2017 – 1970 = 47 2017 – 1977 = 40 2017 – 1982 = 35 2017 – 1990 = 27 2017 – 2002 = 15 When we subtract: 64 – 50 = 14 64 – 47 = 17 64 – 40 = 24 64 – 35 = 29 64 – 27 = 37 64 – 15 = 49 As, no perfect cube obtained, hence, Not Babli but Amit was born in the year 1953 and Babli was born in year 1990. So, the age of Babli is: 2017 – 1990 = 27 years. Possible year of born of Gaurav who likes Green color is 1970, 1977, 1982 and 2002 Possible age of Gaurav is: 2017 – 1970 = 47 2017 – 1977 = 40 2017 – 1982 = 35 2017 – 2002 = 15 When we subtract: 47 – 27 = 20 40 – 27 = 13 35 – 27 = 8 27 – 15 = 12, As, only is a perfect cube hence, age of Gaurav is 35 years and he born in the year 1982. The difference between the ages of Amit and Hira is perfect square Age of Amit is 64 years, Age of different people is: 2017 – 1967 = 50 2017 – 1970 = 47 2017 – 1977 = 40 2017 – 2002 = 15 When we subtract: 64 – 50 = 14, 64 – 47 = 17 64 – 40 = 24 64 – 15 = 49 As, only 49 is a perfect square, so the age of Hira is 15 hence, he was born in the year 2002. Now, we can understand that out of three possible year of born of Chand which we discussed above (Chand was born in one of the following year - , 1970, 1982, 1990. ) only 1970 is left so, Chand was born in the year 1970. There is one person lives between the Ekta and Babli. There are two persons live between Babli and Chand. There is one person lives between the Chand and Gaurav, who likes Green colour. The only possible combination as per the above reference is
Which of the following statements is true?
Some tasks are work.
All work are job.
Some job are tough
I. Some tasks are tough.
Statements: No pen is a pencil.
All pencil are book.
Conclusions: I. Some book ar...
In the question below some statements are given followed by three conclusions I, II, and III. You have to take the given statements to be true even if ...
Only a few Colour is Animals
Some Animals is Birds
All Birds is Fruit
I) Some Fruit is A...
All Nails are Fingers.
All Fingers are Toes.
Only a few Toes are Games.
Only Games are Arms.
Statements: Some reds are blues.
All blues are greens.
Some greens are n...
Statements : Some books are novel.
Some novel are newspaper.
No newspaper is a magazine.
Conclusions : I . Some magazi...
Statements: Only cars are motorcycles.
No motorcycle is a bike.
Some bikes are scooters.
All scooters are jeeps.
Some applications are software.
All hardware are software.
All software are systems
I. No ha...