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From 1, 2, 3, 6 From 3, 4, 5 K date + 1 = E date E lives above the one with date 15th. Thus e’s date cannot be 15thand hence K’s date cannot be 14th B – 9/10/11/12 K -13th/14th/15th Floors - K/E -- - - - E/K From 5 we know, K has to be with April. It can either be on floor 10 or 4. We also know that there are 4 people between K and E. If we set K on 10thfloor, the only possible position for E is 5thfloor which is already occupied by H. Thus, K will be at floor 4 with E on 9thfloor. Combining with 4, person with booking on 15thlives on 8 floor. Thus, possible date for K is only 13th. And thus, E’s date is 14th. From 6 and 7, we know that people having bookings in Oct occupy floors above 6and have only 1 floor/person gap, which is possible only for floor 7 and 9. From 5 and 7, B and I can occupy floor 12 and 6. But according to 3, B date = B floor. Thus, B is at 12thfloor. From 8, F stays between E and C. Only possible outcome is E, F and C on 9th, 8thand 7thfloor. From 10 and 7 we know that there are 5 people between B and I and their months are same and must have 31days.Cannot be July (from table. Only 1 person between both July). Cannot be May (Only 1 person between both May.) Thus. March is the month for B and I. From table and point 10, July fits only for floors 5 and 3 From 11. There are 4 floors between 19thand 10ththerefore, 10thon 7 floor. 20thnot possible for H according to 10.Thus combining 10 and 11,we get that the person with booking on 20thlives on 10 floor and the one having booking on 17thlives on floor 11. From 12 we know, person with booking on 18thlives immediately above the person having booking on 11th. Combining 8, Suitable position for J and the month of June (6 person gap). From 10, we know that L doesn’t go on 16th. Thus, the table obtained is
Despite the initial setbacks, we managed to turn the tide and complete the project on time.
Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
Give one the slip
To shorten a word/phrase/text
"After months of struggling with the project, the team finally made significant progress and feels they are out of the woods. "
An Arm And A Leg
Slap on the Wrist
In the following question, four alternatives are given for the Idiom/Phrase given in bold in the sentence. Choose the alternative which best expresses ...
Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
Break the ice
Bite your tongue
A person who preserves skin of animals