We know from 1, 2 Neoprene Neoprene 4, Green – Net/Georgette Black – Net/Georgette 5, Orange – Skirt – Chanderi/neoprene but, the topmost and the bottommost fabrics are same and neoprene garments are vertically adjacent to each other. Thus, cannot be neoprene. Thus, is chanderi. 6, Net immediately above Red. Net Red – Blue in the middle of Black and purple. Black | Blue | Purple Neoprene – saree - Kurta - Blue 8, Georgette – Suit Neoprene – Saree - Kurta - Blue 9. Pink – Net Green – Geogette – dupatta Since, net garments only at even numbered positions, 2nd position reserved for Lehenga The only positions left for another net garment are 4 and 6. Since neoprene garments have to be vertically adjacent to each other, kurta must be of neoprene. Georgette – Suit Neoprene – Saree Neoprene - Kurta - Blue From, 10, both neoprene garments lie between net garments, which is possible only if net is at 6th position. Placing the garments in the known order. The only fabric left is georgette at 7th position.
Since, net is immediately above red, one of the georgettes is red. Blue is immediately between black and purple. Garment at position 5 is blue. Thus, i) Either garments at positions 4 & 6 are black and purple ii) Or garments at positions 3 and 7 are black and purple iii) Or garments at positions 2 and 8 are purple and black i) is possible if 4 is purple and 6 is black (Neoprene cannot be black) ii) is possible if either 3 is black and 7 is purple or 3 is purple and 7 is black None of the cases of (ii) are possible as, one of the georgette garments must be red. Thus case (ii) is discarded. Either 4 & 6 are purple and black Or 2 & 8 are purple and black None of the neoprene garments is purple. Thus garment at 4th position can neither be purple nor black. Thus only one case left, 2 and 8 purple and black. One of the nets is pink (given).According to 9, green gorgette dupatta below pink.
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