How many person(s) were born between Ganesh and Manju?
Eight persons – Manju, Lalit, Bhura, Rahul, Ganesh, Vikash, Pankaj and Jatin were born in the years 1940, 1945, 1957, 1958, 1974, 1983, 1987 and 1991, but not necessarily in the same order. They were born on the same day i.e. on 1 January and assume all the age calculations were made as on 1 January 2008. Age of the persons born in the given years as on 1 January 2008 will be: Manju was thrice as old as Pankaj. Pankaj and Jatin were born at a gap of 2 persons. Here, we have two possible scenarios in which we can use the above hints accordingly. Age of Pankaj is 17 years, then age of Manju will be 17 × 3 = 51 years Age of Pankaj is 21 years, then age of Manju will be 21 × 3 = 63 years At least one person was born between Rahul and Vikash. Vikash was not the youngest At this point, we cannot fix the position of Rahul and Vikash in case 1 according to the given hints so we can say that Case 1 is an invalid case . Case 2:
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