Ages was calculated with respect to 2020 M was born on1988 hence age is 32. M’s birth month is neither August nor he born in first half of the year. The difference between the age of M and Q is 6 years. M’s birth month is neither August nor he born in first half of the year. It is clear that M birth month is July O’s age is equal to the last two digit or birth year of Q and his birth month is not April. O’s is 82, 28, 94, and 49. As mention in the instruction. O’s age is 28 and 49. T’s age is m square number greater that M’s age and both are born on consecutive months.Person’s whose birth year is odd on the month, which has even number of days. P’s age is half of the age of S’s age whose age is last two digit of T’s birth year. N who was born just next month on which P born. For Q and S month is not given. So
Select the most appropriate option to substitute the highlighted segment in the given sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No subs...
Most of the modified assets are linked to troubling project in sectors including power and telecom.
... Choose the correct phrase from the options to improve the sentences given below. If the sentence is correct and no improvement is required, select â€...
In terms of technology and performance, Indian missile systems are compared with any other system in the worlds.
...I. Students should get used to one of the formats as it will help them during their research.
II. Would you mind doing the chores today as...
In each of the questions given below, four words are given in bold. These four words may or may not be in their correct position. The sentence is then ...
The following question contains three statements, one or more of which may not be grammatically correct. You are required to identify the incorrect sta...
Benchmarks and regulatory mechanisms needing development and implemented for quality assurance in both government and private schools.
...The company's new product don't meet the customers' expectations , leading to a significant drop in sales.
...The plots and hindrances were such that anyone would have been torn between blaming the parents or sympathizing for them.