L born in one of the odd numbered year Sum of the age of L and M is equal to perfect cube of a number L’s age is Prime number and born immediately before the one who works for Zomato. There is only one person born between the one who works for Swiggy and M, whose age is prime number. A's age is multiples of three and does not born after 1982. CASE1 is eliminated and CASE 2 has 2 possibilities. Age of the person who works for BAJAJ is perfect square. C is not elder than the person one who works for hdfc Age of the person who works for BAJAJ is perfect square. As many persons born between D and the one who works for Swiggy is same as the persons born between M and the one who works for Tata. Not more than three and less than two person born between N and the one who works for Hindustan So Final Arrangement
P1 is the husband of Q1. R1 is the grandchild of P1. P1 has only one son who is married to T1's child. T1 has only two children, one son and one daughte...
Which of the following statements is/are true according to the given information?
Who is/are live(s) west of R?
In the given options exam of which two subjects is held on the day that started with the same letter?
How many persons live above W?
The number of persons living between S and the one whose experience is 7 years is the same p?
How many persons live between Amisha’s floor and Esha’s floor?
Who among the following works in HDFC?
Who among the following is senior to SI and junior to ASP?
Which of the following statements is/are true?