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Since, Samantha is working in Maruti Suzuki and she likes Vanilla. Mahesh Babu is working in Bharti Airtel and likes Cherry. Anushka is working in Reliance and likes Teaberry. Vijay is working in the same company of Mahesh Babu i.e. in Bharti Airtel. Suriya is in the same company of Samantha i.e. in Maruti Suzuki. Since Kajal does not like Blue moon and the only company left for her is Reliance and none working in Reliance likes either Strawberry or Mango so, the only flavor left for her is Oyster. The company left for Prabhas is Reliance and he likes Blue moon because it’s the only flavor left for him.
Vijay does not like Strawberry flavor so he likes Mango flavor. Suriya like Strawberry flavor because it’s the only flavor left for him.
निम्नलिखित में से 'कामदेव' का पर्यायवाची शब्द है :
सख्यागमन का सही सन्धि -विच्छेद है ?
अयोगवाह स्वर्ग का प्रयोग केवल-
निम्न में से त्रुटिपूर्ण वाक्य चुनें:
‘प्राप्त्याशा’ का सन्धि विच्छेद क्या होगा ?
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