Payal lives in an even numbered Floor in Flat-B. One who speaks Marathi lives immediately below of Payal. Pallavi who speaks Kannada lives in Flat-A of an odd numbered floor. Pallavi lives south-west of Payal. Parul lives second to above Paridhi in Flat-B. Case-2 we get one more possibility Pooja speaks Hindi lives to the west of Parul Note: Case-2 gets rejected since Pooja speaks Hindi lives to the west of Parul is not possible. There is a gap of one Floor between the both who speaks Tamil & Punjabi and both of them live in an even numbered floor in Flat-A. Pavitri speaks Tamil and lives above the one who speaks Punjabi. Persons speaking Tamil and Bengali shared the same Floor The one who speaks Urdu lives north-east of Padma. Case-2-A gets eliminated since above said condition is possible. Finally, Pari lives in Flat-B of Floor-4 and Payal speaks English. FINAL ARRANGEMENT
What condition must be met for a transfer of a Government security to be considered valid as per the Government Securities Act?
"Contract of Indemnity" is defined in which section of Indian Contract Act?
According to the Contract Act under what circumstances is a person deemed to be in a position to dominate the will of another?
According to the Insurance Act an insurer shall be ineligible for registration unless he has ______________
According to the Insurance Act when Administrator for management of insurance business may be appointed by the Authority?
A person is said to cause an effect “voluntarily” when he causes it
The words "Unity and Integrity of the Nation" were incorporated in the Preamble of The Constitution of India by which Amendment?
Supreme Court in which of the following case held that women can also “be manager of a Joint Family:
Which of the following is not a right of consumer ?
In contributary negligence