The box with Apple is placed fourth to the left of R. Only two boxes are placed between R and V, which has Acer. Q is placed on one of the ends but not to the right of V. Case-1 The number of boxes between Q and V is the same as between the boxes with Acer and Dell, which is placed to the immediate left of the box with Lenovo. Only three boxes are placed between the box with Lenovo and S. Hence, case 1 gets eliminated. Case-2
Which clause is used to filter rows in the result set based on a specific condition in SQL?
In Go, what is the purpose of a goroutine?
What is the purpose of the shebang (#!) in a shell script?
Token Ring networks operate at what speed?
Which instruction cycle of the CPU fetches the next instruction from memory?
F={PR`` ST, PSU`` QR} which of the following is trivial functional dependency in F closure?
Which Apache project provides real-time stream processing and messaging capabilities in Hadoop?
Which famous algorithm follows a greedy approach for solving the minimum spanning tree problem in a graph?
Which programming language is used to add interactivity and dynamic content to websites?
Which protocol is used for secure communication over the internet?