
    Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below. Six persons viz. U, V, W, X, Y and Z are attending the coaching class on the 7th and 12th of January, March and April of the same year, but not necessarily in the same order. Z attends the class in the month having 30 days and two persons after X. Only one person attends the class between W and X. More than two persons attend the class between V and U, who attends the class after Y. Neither U nor Y attends the class on an odd-numbered date.

    How many persons attend the class between V and

    A One Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Two Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Three Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D More than three Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E None Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    We have, Z attends the class in the month having 30 days and two persons after X. Only one person attends the class between W and X. From the above condition, there are two possibilities.

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