1. E was born on 12th of the month which has 30days. 2. Two people were born between E and D. 3. D does not like any fast food.(it means D not born on the month which has 30 days) 4. Number of people was born after A as before D are same Hence case-1 was eliminated because we cannot place C. 9. No person was born between B and one who likes Rampur city. 10. A does not like Rampur city. 11. The ones who like Delhi city and Rampur were born on same month.
Which theory of motivation assumes that workers can exercise self-direction and self-control, and that imagination, ingenuity, and creativity are widesp...
Definition of separation of ownership from trading rights is called as:
What effect does an increase in foreign investment in India have on the exchange rate of the rupee?
When employees in the workplace often talk of 'us' and 'them', it reflects that the organisation has a _________ frame of reference.
Which of the following is not one of the pillars of Basel III?
It is a special account that a firm prepares to show the distribution of profits/losses among the partners or shareholders. Name of such account is:
The process of identifying and tracking high-potential employees who will be able to fill top management positions when they become vacant is known as
In the Budget 2024-25, the government announced that setting up of MSME units for food quality and safety testing as labs with NABL accreditation will a...
Which of the following statements is/ are correct?
Who chaired the committee to examine the aspects of the digital public infrastructure for the Digital Payments Intelligence Platform?