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1. E was born on 12th of the month which has 30days. 2. Two people were born between E and D. 3. D does not like any fast food.(it means D not born on the month which has 30 days) 4. Number of people was born after A as before D are same Hence case-1 was eliminated because we cannot place C.
9. No person was born between B and one who likes Rampur city. 10. A does not like Rampur city. 11. The ones who like Delhi city and Rampur were born on same month.
If ‘X’ is related to ‘W’ and ‘T’ is related to ‘S’ in a certain way, then ‘U’ is related to which of the following?
...How many persons sit to the right of X?
What is the position of the one who like Germany with respect to M?
Which of the following pair of persons are immediate neighbors?
Who among the following person likes Red?
Eight birds P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and N are sitting in a row facing North."T' is fourth to the left of 'P'. 'S' is fourth to the right of 'N'. 'R' and 'U'...
Who among the following person sits second to the left of V?
How many candidates sit in the row?
Who amongst the following is an immediate neighbour of the one who likes Black?
If all the person are rearranged in ascending order of their weight towards right starting from the one whose weight is 36kg, then how many persons rema...