Mayank was born in 1983, The difference between age of Mayank and the one who like black is 21 years. Meena age was sum of all the digits of birth year of the one who like black. The one who like Red is 5 years elder than Meena, Megha age was equal to the last two digit of the Birth year of the one who like Red. The difference between Ages of Megha and Mahipal was 24years Only one person were born before Megha. From this statement case 2a and case 2b is eliminated. The one who like Yellow born immediately before the one who like Blue.
There were two candidate in an election. 15% of the total voters did not cast their votes whereas 10% of the casting votes were declared invalid. If the...
A commodity's price rises by 32%, and as a result, a person reduces their consumption by 15%. What is the overall change (percentage increase or decreas...
If the student scores 30% marks, then he is failed by 200 marks. But if he scores 50% marks then he is passed by 230 marks. Find the passing percentage....
A company allowed 9% commission on the total sales made by the salesman and a bonus of 1% on the sales over Rs. 40000. If the salesman deposited Rs. 108...
The only expenses of Arun are on grocery, rent and fun expenses. Arun spent Rs. 5,000 on fun, amount spent by him on rent is Rs. 9,000 more than that on...
In a school, 850 students are taking a test. The ratio of boys to girls is 9:8, and the test fee for each girl is 30% less than that for a boy. If the t...
A spent 30% and 20% of his monthly salary on food and rent, respectively. Of the remaining amount, he gave 21% and 14% to his mother and brother, respec...
In an election, two candidates participated. 20% voters did not cast their votes, out of which 600 votes declared invalid and the winner get 75% of the ...
Out of 800 students in school, 10% students like samosa only and 20% students like samosa and momos both. If 42% students don’t like any snacks then f...
A girl spent 16% of her monthly income on clothing. Of the remaining, she spent on travel and food in the ratio of 5:2. If the difference of the income ...