Mayank was born in 1983, The difference between age of Mayank and the one who like black is 21 years. Meena age was sum of all the digits of birth year of the one who like black. The one who like Red is 5 years elder than Meena, Megha age was equal to the last two digit of the Birth year of the one who like Red. The difference between Ages of Megha and Mahipal was 24years Only one person were born before Megha. From this statement case 2a and case 2b is eliminated. The one who like Yellow born immediately before the one who like Blue.
Under PMKVY, what is the maximum monetary reward a trainee can receive upon successful certification?
What is the rank of India in Gender Gap report?
As per RBI PSL Guidelines, the threshold loans to individuals for educational purposes not exceeding _____ will be considered as Priority Sector Lending...
Which of the following Statement is/are True about AIIB?
I- It is headquartered in Beijing and began its operations in January 2016.
Which of the following is NOT a key component of the BBBP scheme?
Union Minister of Cooperation Amit Shah e-launched the onboarding of cooperatives on the Government e-Marketplace (GeM) portal in New Delhi, Delhi. The ...
Consider the following Statements about Digital India Initiative.
(I) Its main objective is to prepare India for a knowledge future
(II) I...
Which of the following conventions control Transboundary Movement of Hazardous waste and its disposal?
______________ are set up, owned and operated by non-bank entities.
Which of the following organization recently released Logistics Ease Across Different States 2022 report?